Five Ways to Use Essential Oils When Overwhelmed or Stressed
Five Ways to Use Essential Oils When Overwhelmed or Stressed
It was over six years ago that I found myself in a new home with a brand new baby, an 18 month old toddler and a 70 lb Irish Setter who was anxious beyond belief about our recent move. Honestly? This was the beginning of my downfall to anxiety. It was awful.
I had a friend reach out and send me samples of essential oils which I had heard a lot about but never had the bandwidth to get into.
Self-Care Isn't Optional
Self-Care Isn’t Optional
Self care is cliche.
It feels luxurious. Even this picture looks luxurious. The old me used to see self care as hair salons, pedicures, massages and rest and I’d resentfully think,, "Must be nice!!"
It's because self-care doesn't come easy. I assumed others had more time than me or (dare I say it) didn’t work as hard as me.
I saw it as a luxury that not everyone got to have.
Journal Prompts for Every Mom
Journal Prompts for Every Mom
Journaling isn’t easy, I know. I’ve been keeping some kind of journal since fourth grade and I still have blocks.
I share this a lot, but remember that journaling has been studied and it has shown to help reduce stress and anxiety, depression and helps cope with hard and traumatic times. *Eh hem, 2020*. It can also really help support your growth in identifying patterns, symptoms and triggers. So, if it doesn’t work, try, try again.
And when in doubt, use a prompt.
Social Media Detox: Why We Need One + How to Take One
Social Media Detox: Why We Need One + How to Take One
My big takeaway from my two week social media detox was this:
We need to unplug in order to connect at all.
Hear me out.
Powerful Affirmations for Powerful Women
Powerful Affirmations for Powerful Women
When I think of affirmations I think of the episode of Sex and the City when Charlotte was practicing daily affirmations to find her soulmate but it wasn’t working.
I honestly think that was one of the first times, being 19 or 20 years old in college, that I was really introduced to the idea of personal development and “self-help.” And of course, it was presented to be tacky and shameful and didn’t work. …. But I’m still obsessed with SATC, anyone else??
Anyway, since seeing that episode, I remember how silly I felt with the idea of affirmations. Do they even work? I feel dumb.
Turns out they’re not so dumb.
Five Things Overwhelmed Moms Can Do Right Now
Five Things Overwhelmed Moms Can Do Right Now
When you’re in a space of overwhelm, you don’t have the bandwidth to do the critical thinking necessary to know where to start. How do you get off the hamster wheel of overwhelm? I sure didn’t. And honestly, if it was that easy, would any of us be on the overwhelm ride? No. It’s a tough one to get off. Here are five things you can implement to begin to slow the ride down.
Female Entrepreneurs and Our Cycles
Female Entrepreneurs and Our Cycles
Wait, what?
I know, I know. It might seem like an odd combo, kinda like oranges and red onions in a salad but somehow it makes sense.
As Entrepreneurs, we hustle. Let’s face it, it’s the only speed we know and it takes a superpower intention to be able to put the brakes on.
More work means more money. And more money means success. Right?
Mmmm… I honestly think that’s up for debate.
What is Anxiety?
What is Anxiety?
It seems counterproductive to research the one thing you want to avoid like the plague. But let me tell you, once I really understood what anxiety was, I felt so much more empowered and less attached to it which then created more ease in being able to manage it.
Here are the big pieces in an easy way to understand.
Tackling Limiting Beliefs
Tackling Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs are just that. They are beliefs we subscribe to by about the age of 7 and then we spend the rest of our lives finding evidence to support this belief, only ingraining it even further into our subconscious.
Scheduling Tips
Scheduling Tips
We’ve all been conditioned to essentially only schedule our to-dos. Which then becomes this hamster wheel of burnout, never reaching the end and always sitting in a space of survival. Here are my simple tips to schedule in a way that allows you to step off the hamster wheel.
Supporting a Spouse with Anxiety
Supporting a Spouse with Anxiety
We have all of the blog posts on how to support your own anxiety, but what if you’re the one helping to manage your spouses anxiety? It’s like being forced into a game blindfolded. You’re grasping at straws with not a clue on how to support your partner whilst finding your own levels of impatience and frustration because you just don’t know how to make it better. Here are a few tips on how to support your spouse.
Positive Self-Talk & Why It's So Important
Positive Self-Talk and Why It’s So Important
Positive Self-Talk can change everything.
I used to think it was really cheesy. Corny, really. I would roll my eyes at the thought of affirmations.
But self-talk doesn't have to be cheesy affirmations. It can just be a moment of realizing you're saying something that isn't very kind to yourself. And these words will subconsciously affect your actions.
Boundaries for Each Life Area
Boundaries for Each Life Area
Boundaries are incredibly important, and in this blog post, I share how to set them.
But then, when it comes down to it, we can get really stuck on what that actually looks like. So, let’s break it down by area of life and keep this post simple.
Toxins + Anxiety
Toxins + Anxiety
Some people may wonder why I have multiple businesses... It's all related, and this blog post shares how and why.
I will forever advocate for non-toxic living in support of healthier lifestyles and ultimately being a component to being able to manage our anxiety.
Removing toxins should be slow and steady. But it's incredibly necessary for a million different reasons.
Helping to manage anxiety? This is one reason. Here’s why.
Hustle vs. Align
Hustle vs Align
It's on trend... align over hustle.
But what is the difference, REALLY? Why are so many people triggered by the word hustle?
Let's break it down easily to really see what it is and understand the difference.
Morning Routine for Moms
Morning Routine for Moms
A morning routine with young kids.
Hard no, friends. Hard no.
When I first began my personal development, I had a 1 and 3 year old. Fortunately, they mostly slept through the night, but I found my solace in the nighttime. It inevitably left me up way too late, cup not filled, and dead tired the next morning. I woke up to the bellows of “MOMMMMMM” Every. Single. Morning. There was no way I could muster up the energy to wake up on my own to join the 5am club and I was left to feel like a failure and like I’d never succeed in life.
Managing Our Anxiety
Managing Our Anxiety
Anxiety sucks.
It’s crippling to experience it. While overwhelm can be similar or go hand in hand, anxiety is an entirely different beast that can disable you even more. It comes out of nowhere sometimes. It’s not as predictable of a fall as overwhelm is. Sometimes it can gradually show up and hang for a while, other times it’s like an unforgiving and unremorseful brick wall that jumps out in front of you with no warning.
How can you manage anxiety? A few of these things are similar to managing overwhelm, but unlike overwhelm, there are a few other tricks I have up my sleeve that I’d love to share with you.
Connecting with Your Intuition
Connecting with Your Intuition
Connecting with your intuition can be a scary journey, especially if you feel really disconnected with yourself.
First, what IS intuition?
It is bridging the conscious and unconscious minds. It’s a “knowing” without analytical reasoning. It’s a gut feeling.
It’s also important to recognize that we never lose our intuition. It’s simply that we become disconnected from it. It’s like not talking to an old friend for a while. Some of us will connect and immediately hit it off again, others of us need to get to know each other again before we’re fully rekindled in our relationship.
So, what can you do to rekindle?
How to Stop Your Setback in Its Tracks
How to Stop a Setback in Its Tracks
It starts small.
Setbacks don’t just happen overnight. They start small and progressively grow into a perceived setback. So, in order to figure out how they’re happening, we need to break down the habits inside of them.
Communication Breakdown: How to stop fighting
Communication Breakdown: How to stop fighting.
Are you experiencing a communication breakdown?
Whether it's with your spouse, your kids, your boss, your friend... anyone, these are super effective tools that can help communication.