Hustle vs. Align
Hustle vs. Align
Hustle vs Align
It's on trend... align over hustle.
But what is the difference, REALLY? Why are so many people triggered by the word hustle?
Let's break it down easily to really see what it is and understand the difference.
obtain by forceful action or persuasion.
give support to (a person, organization, or cause).
When we HUSTLE, we are not supporting our energy. We may achieve something short term but burnout is inevitable.
Success from hustle is not sustainable.
Alignment is supporting our own energy. It creates time freedom.
Alignment creates sustainability.
It’s a CHOICE. We can find success from force and eventually lose it to burnout. OR we can find success from supporting ourselves and keep it.
And remember that success is however we define it. Is it in your career? Your relationship with a partner or your kids? Is it in your home? Is it how you show up every day? Success is everywhere and can mean so many different things. The important definition is what success means to you.
Hustle is a bad word in my house. Why? Because I refuse to raise my kids to believe that the only way to create ANYTHING in their life is with force and sacrifice of their basic needs.
We need to stop giving power to the narrative that we need to lose sleep and nutrition for success. It's NOT SUSTAINABLE. And just an awful lesson to teach anyone. I will not commend anyone who thrives on hustle.... because it's impossible to thrive.
If you're reading this, ask yourself how you can honor your energy today, how you can SUPPORT yourself today. Success, abundance and prosperity is a byproduct of you supporting your own energy.
And it's pretty darn magical.
“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.” - Brian Tracy
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