Self-Care vs. Self-Discipline
Self-Care vs. Self-Discipline
Self-Care vs. Self-Discipline
It’s a topic that is discussed a lot in personal development. It’s a term thrown around a lot, too, and because of that, I think the horse is beaten. We’ve gotten away from truly understanding what self-care actually means.
Let's clear this up.
There is luxury self-care and there is disciplined self-care.
Luxuries: getting your hair done, nails done, massages, shopping, ladies night, bubble baths, solo Target trips.
Discipline: waking up early to journal and meditate, working out, cooking real food, early bed, tea over wine, a book over TV, choosing growth. Again. And again.
When we hear the term “self-care” we equate it to a luxury. And so many women absolutely don’t feel worthy of a luxury and so it’s easy to write off in the terms of, “I don’t have time.” or something of the like.
Are luxuries necessary? One. Million. Percent. We are so deserving to treat ourselves if we have the means to do so. (And without means, luxuries are totally doable, we just need to think outside the box).
But true growth comes from the discipline.
Healing comes from discipline.
This type of self-care isn’t just necessary, it’s a non-negotiable. We need this to be able to keep patience with our kids. Get work done without feeling like we’re going to fall apart. And to keep our bodies healthy.
Skipping this self-care is killing us.
Self-care is not EASY. It's a choice. And you must choose over and over.
In the Layered Growth Academy, my mentees are kicking butt at completely revamping their lifestyles and self-care routines and habits. I work with them 1:1 to support the different changes their making and it’s the most amazing relationship and experience to watch these women change in front of my eyes. They are brighter, more confident, more rested, and have more direction. Learn more about LGA and how to get on the waitlist.