Understanding the Feminine Cycle


Understanding the

Feminine Cycle

Embracing the 28-ish day cycle is our super power.

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know I swear by understanding your phases as a woman. It will literally change every part of your life. Every. Part. 

Body. Mind. Soul. Relationship. Work. 


Let’s take a quick look at an overview of the four phases of our cycle. Different food and movement are connected to each phase also, but let’s not get overwhelmed. I’ll do another blog post on those parts later. 

Not menstruating? No problem! Follow the moon phases. 


Follicular Phase Days 7-13)/Waxing Moon

What it feels like: Just like spring, this is when we begin to feel like we want to bloom. We begin to move out of our inward feelings. It’s where we begin to have ideas sprout and your imagination runs wild with what you can do with your life. You’re beginning to feel more energetic and excited to do things. 

What to do: Use this time to really brainstorm your ideas. Collect them and give them room and space to live somewhere. Create timelines as you’re dreaming and journal through this growth. Begin connecting with others who may be part of the brainstorming process who could help you foster your ideas. Begin moving a little bigger and harder in your exercise. 


Ovulation Phase - Days 14-21/Full Moon

What it feels like: BIG energy. This is when we feel on top of the world. It’s the complete opposite of the New Moon feeling so when we get to the new moon, it’s such a stark contrast that it feels confusing and we feel lost. Know that this is all a part of our phase cycle! This is the time to do big things. We want to take action, put ourselves our there, apply for jobs, start a business, network, socialize and just do it all. 

What to do: Take advantage of this time! It’s a great time to do interviews, start a big project you’ve been thinking about, put yourself out there on social media, etc. It’s a very exciting and exhilarating time of our cycle when we feel like we have so much energy and ambition to do all of the things. Feed this feeling! It’s also a great time to do big exercises. You can do the marathon, the crazy HIIT workouts and push yourself harder. Also, go easy on the carbs, we have enough energy during this part of our cycle. 


Luteal Phase Days 21-28/Waning Moon

What it feels like: It feels just like fall. You feel good, but you begin to want to slow down. You want to go to bed earlier and cozy up with a smile on your face. You’d rather stay in snuggled than go out, but you’ll go out if you have to. This is the time in our cycle where we go from big energy and “out there” in the ovulation phased to within a day or two beginning to feel like we want to be a bit more quiet. We start to go inward in preparing for the menstruation phase. 

What to do: Look at your projects and things coming up and get them to a point that things are wrapped up and either completed or can hold for a week or so as you begin to move through your inward time. Move appts around, review your schedule and shift it as needed to support your energy. This is also a great time to move a bit slower like taking walks and doing yoga. 


Menstruation ( Days 1-7)/New Moon

What it feels like: This is when we are inward. This is the time that we may feel like we have no energy, no motivation, not want to talk to people, not want to do work, have no inspiration or motivation to work which can trigger concern and worry that we no longer want to do our passion or “the things.” We are tired. 

What to do: Our body is shedding, the sky is dark, the season is dark. This is a time that we need to re-energize and rest. It’s okay to move social plans off of the calendar. If you have the ability, move projects, presentations and meetings. Schedule time to nap, rest, journal, meditate, and be still. 

Did you catch this week’s podcast episode?


15 Ways to Manage Anxiety


4 Ways to Avoid Depleted Energy