4 Ways to Avoid Depleted Energy
4 Ways to Avoid Depleted Energy
One of the most important things I’ve ever done for myself, is learning how to protect my energy. If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person and/or Empath or simply just living in 2020, you know what it’s like to feel other people’s energy.
And it’s not always a great feeling. So, how do you protect your energy?
While pedicures and massage days are awesome (and absolutely a part of self-care), self-care is a discipline. It’s getting enough sleep, not pouring the glass of wine when you’re stressed, saying no, waking up early or skipping your show to meditate and get stillness. Self-care is stopping at the gas station before a long trip. Don’t try and drive your car without the gas, friend.
2. Recognizing our Limiting Beliefs
If you’re moving through the day with negative thoughts and limiting yourself with things like
I don’t have time.
I don’t have enough money.
She’s so much prettier.
She can do so much more than me.
No one thinks of me.
I’m so overwhelmed.
Well, you can imagine how thinking these all day will make you feel. Recognize these beliefs, don’t beat yourself up, and then choose again:
I make time for what matters most.
I choose how to spend my money and there is always more.
I am just as beautiful as any other woman. Besides, beauty’s from the inside.
I don’t know her struggles, so I can’t compare.
I’m important to a lot of people.
I have a lot to do, but I’ll do one thing at a time and ask for help where I need it.
Your thoughts are going to directly affect how you “show up”, meaning, what action you do or don’t take. Which will directly affect what manifests in your day.
Choose wisely!
3. You Are What You Eat
Take inventory of the 5 people you spend the most time with. What are they like? You are the sum of those 5 people. Do you like it? If not, ask yourself why, ask yourself what you’d prefer to be like, and then surround yourself with those kinds of people.
Easier said than done, and it’s a slow and gradual process, but it’s an important one. And always, always make sure you do it with love and compassion.
What do you listen to, watch and read? Really take notice and take inventory of the collective energy here. Is it positive, funny, happy or joyful? Is it negative, pessimistic and aggressive? Decide if boundaries need to be made around what you’re taking in.
4. Only Do What Serves You
I used to take on anything and everything. Want me to sign up as class mom? Sure. Need me to clean the entire house? Sure. Cook all dinners? Sure. All of the photo shoots? Sure. Friend dates? Sure. I did EVERYTHING. And then I crashed and burned. My energy was FRIED.
We need boundaries. It’s okay to say “no thank you” to what doesn’t feel good. It’s okay to take 2 days to return e-mails. It’s okay to not answer all of your texts. It’s okay to postpone a friend date. It’s okay go to bed early. It’s okay to draw boundaries.
They’re hard. Some people really don’t like them. They often will make you uncomfortable.
But freedom is on the other side.