Five Tips on Managing Overwhelm
Five Tips on Managing Overwhelm
Five Tips on Managing Overwhelm
Overwhelm can sneak up on us and sometimes hang around chronically. It’s like we don’t know how else to function. And when we’re in the thick of that overwhelmed state, it feels almost impossible to climb out of it.
Here are five ways to begin to manage your overwhelm
{One.} Meet Your Basic Needs
These are the very first things to go when we are overwhelmed. Did you know that not meeting your basic needs is going to send your brain into fight or flight? It seems counterintuitive because there’s “no time to stop” but taking that time will actually help the overwhelm dissipate.
Eat, Sleep, Water, Movement, and Breath (breathe deep!)
{Two.} Follow a Schedule
When we don’t have a schedule, it means we aren’t following any boundaries. Overwhelm thrives off of a lack of boundaries. What kind of schedule?
Keep firm work hours
Keep a morning routine
Keep an evening routine
Have scheduled meal times
Schedule YOU on the calendar
It’s when we lose these things in our schedule that overwhelm really begins to thrive.
{Three.} Get Still
Overwhelm hangs out in your head, not your body. When we get still, we learn to drop into our body. It’s a practice and a muscle we have to build. And getting still is the last thing we feel like we CAN do when we’re overwhelmed, but just like keeping a schedule, it eliminates the space for overwhelm. Things you can do to get still:
Sit and breathe
Take breaks between tasks
Eat consciously
{Four.} Share. Pass. Remove.
We canNOT do everything ourselves. You will not win any awards. You will not prove any worth or value (it comes from the inside, not the outside). It’s imperative that we recognize where we need to delegate things that need to get done. Whether it’s permanently or just for the week. You have to take the time to assess what needs to get off of your schedule.
Share: Delegate tasks that others can do. Have others do their own laundry, help with dishes, do the grocery shopping, etc.
Pass: Outsource a task. Whether it’s ordering groceries or paying for a cleaning service (it’s in the cards)
Remove: Get rid of things on your schedule that you just to have room for right now. Maybe ordering frozen meals is better than cooking from scratch for the time being. See it and then do it.
{Five}. Check Your Mindset
Mindset is everything. If you are looking at everything you have to do and constantly saying to yourself “I’m overwhelmed.” Welp… you’re going to feel really overwhelmed. Choose your perspective. Choose to take deep breaths. Choose to delegate tasks. Choose an abundant mindset. And remember. Life happens FOR, you not TO you. And life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
All of the ladies in the Layered Growth Academy have learned how to completely dissipate their overwhelm. They are learning what they want in life and learning how to manage their energy in brand new ways leading them to be able to schedule differently and accomplish goals with more ease.
The waitlist for LGA will have access to enrollment on FEBRUARY 6th. Be sure to sign up for a chance to join me on the next run!