Layered Growth Method
No matter who we are, we will make an impact in this life. But what kind of impact will you make? How deeply to you want to feel your life? How much expansion do you want to feel? Now, think about a stone being thrown into a body of water. Where it goes in, a couple rings will form around it, but quickly vanish. No matter how small the stone is, it will still create some type of ripple effect. What if you throw a bolder into the water? The rings will be huge, and continue moving outward for an even longer amount of time.
This is where The Layered Growth Method comes from. The rock that’s thrown into the water is you. You’re the rock. This is layer one. The stronger you are, the bigger the effect around you. Layers three through four are the rings.
Can you move through the other layers even if your foundation is a little faulty? Absolutely. We are never confined or isolated in one layer. But the more we focus on our foundation, the more we will be able to make impact in the other areas.
Layer 1
This is your foundation. Your physical, mental and emotional health.
Layer 2
These are your relationships & boundaries. Not just relationships and boundaries to people, but also your time, environment and beliefs.
Layer 3
This is your personal development. Are you taking specific action to grow as a person?
Layer 4
This is expansion. This is really diving into where you are energetically.