Alumni Services

One-Month 1:1 Mentoring

This is the perfect transition or re-charge. This is a great add on when finishing LGA to help transition from a long mentorship back out into the “real world” on your own. It’s also a great option if you are needing a reset and check-in to get back on track.

Three-Month 1:1 Mentoring

This is a great choice for a shorter term goal. Maybe you’re feeling like you need to continue your momentum after LGA for another month. Or maybe all of the work you did in CYBL or LGA feels like a distant memory and you need to step back into that previous momentum and get that inspiration going again. This gives you a quarter of a year to re-focus with accountability.

Six-Month 1:1 Mentoring

This is for the longer haul. Sure, you went through LGA and got a ton out of it, but you know you have SO much more to do and don’t want to lose all of the work you just did. Or maybe you did LGA or CYBL a while ago. You feel you’ve almost completely gone back to old habits and ways and while you have the tools, you need the support, inspiration, accountability and mentorship to truly integrate everything. You might even want to design specific goals or create individualized topics of learning for each month so you can get the most out of 6 months together.


IN THESE MENTORSHIPS each month includes:

  • Two 30 minute zoom call

  • 24/7 Voxer support

  • Monthly Masterclasses

  • One, 1 hour healing call per month

  • Additional 30 minute zoom calls $50/ea

  • Accountability

  • Individualized support and mentorship

  • Inspiration

  • New momentum

  • Growth




The days are long, but the years are short.

Make them count.